Корзина пуста


Артикул: 147-18P
31 USD
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With a predatory glance, Derrick had been watching the young and carefree Nobleman for several blocks. The Noble was currently stopped at a stall selling Persian carpets.  His pouch still bulged quite nicely even after all of that spending. This man’s excessiveness irked Derrick, whose daughter Mika had complained just this morning that all they had to eat was moldy corn tortillas. All morning, Derrick had been following the Noble like a secondary shadow, and now he was just waiting for the right moment to strike. Licking his fingers and warming them up, Derrick hid a short, wicked blade in his sleeve and began closing with his target like a shark drawn to blood. Mika would have meat for dinner tonight… and for the rest of the month… maybe even a new dress.

Height: ~30mm (without a base)

base d - 23mm

Fully painted with acrylic paints by professional artists.

A varnish coat added to avoid scratches in manipulation.

The base needs to be glued by yourself.

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